My partner was just telling me today how much pressure I put on myself to make things happen quickly. In this one area particularly, it is SO hard to reconcile what I know to be true, intellectually, with the grasping I feel emotionally. I’m really looking forward to working with the journal prompts. Thank you so much. 🙏🥰

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Hi Jennifer! Absolutely, it is really hard to reconcile the emotional reaction with the reality! Even today I was reading a thread where people were talking about their growth on Substack, and they all have so many more subscribers than I do that I felt embarrassed for a minute. But then, as usual, I have to remind myself that they all had smaller lists at some point too, and just because my growth isn't happening lightning-fast doesn't mean it isn't happening (or won't happen). I think learning to accept slower growth is the key to not quitting too early, before you've really even given yourself a chance. So whatever you're working on, keep going! Consider me one of your cheerleaders!

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Thank you and likewise! Mutual support is a beautiful thing! 😊

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I too needed to embrace slow growth in 2023 and found it a blessing to settle into the process and let it unfold with no time limited goals or outcomes.

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It is really freeing to just embrace it, isn't it? Once you turn off the noise from the outside world telling you to go faster, you can actually appreciate even the small accomplishments.

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