I uploaded my proposal so hope it reached you ok?

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Hi Miranda! Thank you for checking with me! I assumed that Google would send me a notification when anyone filled out the form, and I was wrong to assume that. I see your submission in there, and I will take a look and reach back out to you via email. Thanks again for giving me the nudge to check!

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I would very much like to submit a proposal but I am afraid I do not have a Google account. My email address is mirandajmarsh@btinternet.com

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Hi Miranda! I made a version of the form for non-Google users that doesn't have the option to upload your submission (apparently that is what requires a gmail account to sign in). That version of the form is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDjrjvkuwqIaIJoe7d0bXlPrOAjkl_My4awUX18Q77qAWUHA/viewform?usp=sf_link.

Instead of you uploading your piece through Google Drive, I will email you after you fill out the form and have you just email the doc to me directly. Thanks!

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