Virgo season is here, and we are inching closer and closer to the end of the year. Virgo season is a great time for self-study, self-refinement, integration, and transformation. And that also makes it the perfect time to do some journaling!
As a Pisces, my astrological opposite is Virgo. Some of my closest friends are Virgos, and my brother is a Virgo, so I feel a stronger connection to this sign. If you’re a Virgo, happy birthday season to you!
My Virgo Season theme: It’s all about the little things . . . so don’t fear the details!
Dive into them with the below journal prompts.
Set the Scene for Virgo Season
What area of my life feels ripe with potential this Virgo season, or what feels ready to come forth for me this season?
The Details of Your External Life
When I look at all the various pieces of my external life right now . . . the people I'm around, the work I do, the places I go, the art or media I consume, the food I consume . . . do these all align with me and where I'm headed?
What can I let go of or change?
What are some details I may need to add to my external life in order to bring myself into further alignment with the person I'm becoming?
The Details of Your Inner Life
When I look at all the various details of my internal life right now . . . of my relationship with myself, my thoughts and self-talk, my habitual actions and self-care routines . . . are all of these serving me well?
What can I let go of?
What details can I add to my inner life in order to bring myself into better alignment with the person I'm becoming?
Bring it Together: Set Your Intention
What is my intention for this Virgo season? Where do I see myself when Virgo season comes to a close?
I want to know what you think . . .
I am considering creating journal prompts for each astrological season so that we can all build a journaling ritual around these. I may even do some for the New or Full Moon. Does this interest you? Take the poll below and let me know!
With much love & gratitude,