I was laid off in mid-August and the job search have brought up a lot of sticky feelings about rejection. I’m going to sit with these questions this week. Thanks, Marcy.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Dana. The job search has definitely brought up these feelings for me before--it's so tough! I often also had the problem of over-romanticizing the idea of working for a specific company after just reading a job description, and because work is to tied to our livelihoods, it can be so easy to get wrapped up in the "Oh, this is the ONE!" thinking. I've even landed some of those jobs, and then a week into working there, I'd be like, "Oh no, this is not at all what I thought it would be." And then I'd stay there for three years, haha. Just like with dating, the employee/employer relationship really has to be the right one, so I'm here to cheer you on in taking your time to find THE one! And finding THE one can be helped by filtering out fast the ones that don't work, even if that means a lot of rejection to start with. (It's eerie how it really is like dating). Better to eliminate them as an option now instead of taking the job and realizing it is wrong later.

Again, sending you all the positive vibes to find that perfect match! Anyone would be truly lucky to have you so I hope you find the one that deserves you.

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