This week’s episode is a little different. As a Pisces, I felt called to write a meditation specifically for this full moon in Pisces (6:36 PM PT today, August 30). It’s also a special Super Blue Moon, and it is the second one of this month.
Instead of an essay and journal prompts, this week it is a meditation and journal prompts. The prompts below directly relate to the meditation, and are meant to be completed after the meditation.
Grab any props you might want to support you during the meditation, and have your journal and favorite writing utensil close by, so you can flow right into the journaling after the meditation. Enjoy!
Your journal prompts this week:
What was in the painting of my dream life, and did any of it surprise me?
How did my intuition help me paint? How did it communicate with me as I painted the scene? (Perhaps through words or visions?)
How can my intuition help lead me to this dream life now?
What would my highest self tell me now, to help me make this dream life my reality?
If you’re able to complete the meditation and prompts, I’d love to hear what came through for you! Feel free to share in the comments below. And if you’d like, I will pull an Oracle or Tarot card for you for this special Pisces Blue Full Moon! Just let me know you’d like to receive a message in your comment.
With much love and gratitude,
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