Welcoming Spring: Journal Prompts & Tarot Messages
Journal prompts and Tarot messages to help you embrace Spring
Happy Spring Equinox!
Where is your soul leading you this season?
Today I want to share with you a few journal prompts to help you welcome the Spring season and hear your soul calling to you to embrace this beautiful, fresh burst of energy.
These prompts are related to an audio course I recently created for Insight Timer that brings you through a full Tarot spread for the season, with messages for the collective (this course is not yet published on Insight Timer but hopefully will be soon). For those of you who are interested, I’ve included all the sessions from that course below for you to enjoy.
If you want some additional inspiration or insight for this new season, I am happy to pull a card for you! Just leave a comment on this post in Substack, and let me know you’d like for me to pull a card. And please feel free to share any of your own card pulls or insights for the season!
Your journal prompts for Spring:
Where in my life can I benefit from a fresh start or new beginning?
What will best support me in planting the seed for this new beginning?
What might challenge my new beginning and my growth this season?
How can I grow through this challenge?
Overall, what energy would I like to see awaken within me this season, as a result of the seed or seeds that I plant?
Welcoming Spring: Personal Tarot Messages for the Season
A 5-Session Audio Course
Each session will center on one question, for which I pull a Tarot card(s). I then bring forth a message for the collective. I believe that if you listen to this course, you are meant to hear these messages. While everything may not apply to everyone, I believe some aspect is meant for you further contemplate. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest.
Course Introduction
Session 1: Where in my life can I benefit from a fresh start or new beginning?
Session 2: What will best support me in planting the seed for this new beginning?
Session 3: What will challenge my new beginning and my growth this season?
Session 4: How can I grow through this challenge?
Session 5: Overall, what energy will awaken within me this season, as a result of the seed or seeds that I plant?
Are you enjoying receiving this type of content from me? If so, please let me know so I know to continue sharing it! Just leave a comment below or reply to this email.
And finally, want a Tarot or Oracle card message for the Spring season? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
Enjoy your bonus journal prompts for this week!
With much love & gratitude,