My new Soul Journaling Service Series continues with Imbolc! As I continue to evolve this offering, you’ll see some changes and additions, and this time, I’m merging in a bit from our Soul Journaling Moon Rituals, adding in the prayers and prompts that speak directly to our Souls.
For all subscribers, this Soul Journaling Service includes:
An opening prayer/activation to call forth wisdom from your Spirit Team and Soul
The card spread I used for Imbolc to bring forth a collective message— use these as journal prompts and/or as a card spread
A sound healing music track (created by my husband) to play while you journal and/or pull cards
The Imbolc meditation
Paid subscribers can go here to access the full Soul Journaling Service, including all of the above plus:
A recording and transcription of the collective card reading/message
Journal prompts that speak directly to that message
Paid subscriptions cost $5/month or $50/year. (I will be raising this price in March, so if you want to lock in this rate, consider upgrading now.)
I would love to hear what you’re shining a light on this Imbolc. Share your intention below so I—and this whole community—can support you. I will pull one card for you personally if you decide to share.
A Brief Overview of Imbolc
Imbolc is a festival in the Wheel of the Year that occurs February 1-2 in the Northern Hemisphere and August 1-2 in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a transitional period, marking the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, when we begin to welcome back the light after the darkness of winter. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, and it’s a good time to plant the seeds we want to see grow in the spring.
Imbolc is an old Irish word meaning "in the belly." New life is being cultivated in the belly of the Earth as we welcome in Spring. Historically, for those who celebrated this festival, this also directly ties to baby lambs growing in the bellies of their mamas.
Imbolc is also tied to the Goddess Brigid, the goddess of hearth, healing, creativity, fire, and new beginnings.
You may be feeling inspired at this time and have an urge to let your creativity come out to play. You may also want to do some spring cleaning so you can let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Learn More About Imbolc
My source for all things Wheel of the Year is the book Understanding the Wheel of the Year by Cassie Uhl. But there are many wonderful writers here on Substack who have studied Imbolc and have written much more in depth about it than I can. For those of you who are curious, I encourage you to dive deeper and check out these wonderful posts:
Two from a wonderful member of this community, of Wild Soul Collective:
Imbolc from of The Green Witch
If you see other posts on Imbolc that you love, please share in the comments below so we can all check them out!
Set your space with whatever you’d like to make this a sacred and soothing practice. This could include lighting a candle, setting out crystals, burning herbs, diffusing essential oils, or having a special beverage ready to go.
If you choose, you can begin with this prayer or activation to call in guidance. You can also choose to play music in the background while you do this and when you’re journaling. Here is a track if you’d like to try it:
Thank you, Spirit Team—Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels—for guiding me today and all days. May I honor you and hear your whispers of wisdom.
Thank you, Goddess Brigid, for your guidance and inspiration as I spark my own inner fire. May I honor you and hear your whispers of wisdom.
Thank you, Higher Self, for guiding me today and all days. May I honor you and hear your whispers of wisdom.
Thank you, Soul, for weaving your story through me. Thank you for guiding me each and every step of the way. May I honor you and hear your whispers of wisdom.
Before doing the card spread/prompts, if it feels right, directly ask your Soul for guidance. If you feel called, write down anything that comes to mind.
Soul, what would you like to me to know as I reignite my inner fire?
The Card Spread & Prompts
This three-card spread can be used with Tarot and/or Oracle cards, and it can also be used for journaling. You can journal on the prompts and then pull cards, or vice versa. Do whatever feels right to you.
What needs to be cleared or cleansed before I can plant my seeds?
What is ready to be seen in a new light?
How can I ensure my inner fire, sparked by inspiration, remains lit?
Paid Subscribers, access the collective message and full ritual here:
Inner Flame Meditation
Connect with your inner flame with this short meditation. You can use this whenever you need to do a check in and tend to the flame.
I hope this offering helps you celebrate and tap into the energy of Imbolc!
With much love and gratitude,
If you enjoy my creations, please consider sharing Soul Journaling Sessions with a friend, recommending Soul Journaling Sessions on Substack, or liking or restacking this post. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement and support!
I can't wait to try this when I get home this afternoon! It's so clear you pour so much love into creating these rituals, so I'll be sure to come back and report my discoveries. Thank you for all that you do!
I absolutely love your rituals, Marcy. I am very very grateful for them, how they creat for me a space of reflection and intuition, and a way to celebrate and mark these special seasons of the year.
And I’m beyond honored that you shared two of my posts. Wow. So humbled. Thank you. 🙏🏼
Blessed Imbolc season, my friend. 🕯️