Scorpio Season & New Moon Journal Prompts
Journal prompts focused on the themes of Scorpio Season & the New Moon in Scorpio
Periodically, I send some bonus journal prompts, often related to the moon cycle or the astrological seasons. You do not need to know anything about moon cycles or astrology (or even believe much in them) in order for these journal prompts to be beneficial.
Hello everyone!
I had fully intended to send you all a new episode of the Soul Journaling Sessions on Wednesday, but I guess the Universe had other plans. I had recorded the episode and went to edit it, only to find the file was corrupt. Finding solid pockets of quiet time to record podcasts episodes can sometimes be tricky when you have a little one at home, and I was unfortunately unable to re-record it this week. So in lieu of an episode, I am sharing with you a full journaling audio course I made for Insight Timer (normally only available to my followers there who pay for the Premium account).
This course is Journaling for Scorpio Season, but I find it applies just as well to the energies around the New Moon in Scorpio (November 13, 2023, at 4:26 AM EST), so I encourage you to make this a part of your New Moon Ritual, if you’d like, or simply enjoy the additional journal prompts!
The audio file for each day is included below, and I’ve included the journal prompts in case you are unable to listen to the audio.
Journaling for Scorpio Season - Course Intro
Lesson 1: The Transformation You Seek
Journal Prompts:
Where in my life do I feel ready to transform this Scorpio season? Or, what change am I hoping to create in my life?
What possibilities could this change or transformation bring to me?
How can I best support myself through this transformation?
Lesson 2: Identify Your Shadows
Journal Prompts:
In what ways might I get in my own way as I move through this process transformation? What hidden beliefs or patterns are lurking in my shadows that could hold me back?
Which specific shadow aspects of myself am I being called to work with this season?
How have these shadows shown up in my past?
What are these shadows teaching me? What are they trying to telling me about my beliefs and how I operate?
Lesson 3: Embrace Your Shadows
Journal Prompts:
How are these shadows a part of my transformational journey, and a part of my greater story?
What would it look like for me to work with my shadows rather than against them?
Write a short love note or letter to yourself, specifically addressing why you love these shadow aspects of yourself, and how you will work toward accepting them—and yourself—as they are.
What is a mantra or affirmation I can use that will support me during this season of transformation whenever I feel discouraged?
Want a Tarot or Oracle card message for this new moon? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
With much love & gratitude,
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Annette, Project Refined Life