Bonus Journaling Prompts: New Moon in Virgo
Some extra prompts for you this week linked to the new moon in Virgo
I am sharing a few extra journal prompts with you all this week, which came to me as a result of themes tied to today’s New Moon in Virgo. (You do not need to know anything about astrology in order to benefit from these additional journal prompts.)
Your journal prompts for today:
Where in my life do I currently feel stuck or like I’ve stalled out?
What stories do I hold around this area of my life right now?
In what aspects are these stories true? In what aspects are they false (or where can they not be proven accurate, with certainty)?
What do I need to do in order to release and rewrite the false aspects of these stories, in order to bring the outcome that is most aligned with what I truly desire?
Create a Ritual
I invite you to create a ritual around your journaling practice, if you feel called to. Set up a quiet space where you will be uninterrupted, then grab your favorite journal and writing utensil. You can also do any (or all) of the following:
Set up some music that you feel called to listen to today while you journal
Place any crystals or other meaningful objects near you
Have a beverage of choice easy to access (water, coffee, tea, etc)
Place your favorite flowers nearby
Diffuse an essential oil with a scent that inspires you
Burn a candle with a scent or color that is significant to you right now
Allow yourself to journal—uninterrupted, if possible—for at least 20 minutes. Write whatever comes to mind with the prompts, without filtering anything or making any judgments. If you draw a blank on what to write, sit and meditate for a bit or even feel free to doodle or draw.
Want a Tarot or Oracle card message for this new moon? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
Enjoy your bonus journal prompts for this week!
With much love & gratitude,