New Moon in Pisces Journal Prompts
Journal prompts to explore the themes of the New Moon in Pisces
Periodically, I send some bonus journal prompts, often related to the moon cycle or the astrological seasons. You do not need to know anything about moon cycles or astrology (or even believe much in them) in order for these journal prompts to be beneficial.
I felt inspired to send you a few more prompts for this Pisces season, particularly for the New Moon in Pisces (coming to us on March 10 at 1:01 AM PT). Now is a great time to release any blocks to you trusting yourself and pursuing your biggest, wildest dreams! Below are a few prompts to help you with this.
Your journal prompts for the New Moon in Pisces:
If you’re being completely honest with yourself (and not worrying about what is or is not realistic), what dream do you most want to manifest, birth, or bring to life?
What old mindsets or false stories might be standing in your way of believing that you can birth or create this dream?
How can you let go and trust more in yourself and your own magic, particularly as it relates to bringing this dream (or any of your dreams) to life?
How can you trust more in the Universe and its ability to help you bring your dream(s) to life?
Want a Tarot or Oracle card message for this new moon? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
Enjoy your bonus journal prompts for this week!
With much love & gratitude,
Marcy I’d love an oracle card for the season. I’m feeling a little raw and life is quite strange at the moment