I’ve always intended Soul Journaling Sessions to be a place where people could come together to share their practices, their insights, and their stories. Earlier this year, I offered the opportunity for others to come onto the podcast and share their writing, and I am so thrilled that one writer was brave enough to take me up on the offer:
. You can listen to her episode about Soul Walking here.As I’ve learned more about Substack and what I want to write about, this publication has evolved. I’m getting much clearer on how I want to collaborate with other writers. And in the spirit of Libra season and its theme of collaboration, now feels like the perfect time to invite in more voices and to engage with others!
Below I’ve outlined two options for guest hosting on the Soul Journaling Sessions podcast, followed by an overview how guest hosting works.
ADDED BONUS: As a thank you, all guest hosts will receive one free month of membership to the Soul Journaling Sessions! (This will give you full access to all paid subscriber posts, current and past, for one month.)
The Collaboration Opportunities
Option #1: On Journaling
Create an On Journaling episode that links the practice of journaling to your speciality or particular area of interest. You’ll explore how journaling can help someone understand or work through this topic on a deeper level. Then you’ll provide us with some journal prompts that relate to this.
The On Journaling episodes help others enhance their practice by using journaling to try something new, work through a challenge or difficult emotion, or better understand who they are. Below are the prompts for this type of episode (choose one):
Journaling and . . .
Journaling with . . .
Journaling for . . .
Some examples:
Journaling and Tarot (This is one I plan to write soon!)
Journaling and the Enneagram
Journaling with Crystals
Journaling for Your Human Design Type
Journaling for Anxiety
Option #2: Open Journal
Create an Open Journal episode based off a journal prompt(s) from a previous Soul Journaling episode or course.
The Open Journal episodes are an opportunity to read to us directly for your journal. (Of course, feel free to polish it up as you wish, but I welcome the honest and unedited, as journal entries tend to be.) There are more than two years of prompts to choose from in the SJS archive, plus any prompts from future episodes or courses.
How it Works
To be a guest host of the podcast:
Fill out the form to submit your idea
Write your own essay/story/journal entry
Come up with 3-4 journal prompts that help listeners/readers dive deeper into the themes of your piece
Record yourself reading your piece*
Send me the audio file (as well as the written text) for editing and posting
Share the podcast episode with your community once it is posted
*Note: I find most people are more comfortable with me doing the meditation/breathing exercise and reading the journal prompts at the end, but if you would like to do this portion, you are welcome to, and I am happy to provide any support. See below for more details on the episode format.
Episode Format
I recommend listening to an episode of the podcast (if you haven’t already) to get a sense of the format. But below is a rough outline:
Introduction: I will introduce you, what your piece is about, and how listeners/readers can connect with you
Reading: You’ll read your piece/submission
Journaling prep: A short meditation/breathing exercise to prepare for journaling and to welcome in any insights from the higher self/soul
Journaling: The journal prompts
Each prompt is read twice, followed by two minutes of space with music, with a cue at 30 seconds to begin wrapping up
Close: Final thank you message to listeners
What questions do you have for me about guest hosting? Is there anything you’re confused or nervous about that I can help you with? (I know recording your voice can be intimidating.) I am here and happy to work collaboratively with you on developing your post. Send me a message or leave the your thoughts/questions in the comments.
I can’t wait to read/hear your work and have you on the podcast!
With much love & gratitude,
I'm certainly open to collaborating!