Welcome to Virgo Season (August 22 to September 22)! This season is all about self-examination and taking a closer look at the details of our lives. Does everything within and around you align with who you are and with the life you want to live? Now is the time to check in and be honest with yourself, then get organized and make the changes you need to become more fulfilled.
Below you will find a special meditation practice for Virgo season focused on clearing energetic clutter, plus my Journaling for Virgo Season audio course, which is also available on my Insight Timer profile for the app’s Premium subscribers only. Here on Substack, all of my subscribers have access to the course. This course is actually the first journaling course I ever made for Insight Timer, so you may have already done these journal prompts if you were with me last year. If that’s the case, I encourage you to still revisit these prompts and see what comes forth for you this year. You could even compare them with what you wrote last year.
In these audio sessions, I read the journaling prompts and you journal along with me for about two minutes on each prompt. If are unable to or don’t want to listen to the audio, I’ve also listed each session’s journal prompts for you below.
If you’d like additional insight on what you can learn from the themes of Virgo season, I’d be happy to pull a Tarot or Oracle card for you. Just leave a note in the comments section on this post on Substack letting me know you’d like a reading, and I’ll pull a card for you!
Virgo Season Practice: Clearing The Clutter
Journaling for Virgo Season - Course Intro
Lesson 1: Set Your Intention for Virgo Season
Journal Prompts:
What area of my life feels ripe with potential this Virgo season, or what feels ready to come forth for me this season?
What feels like it is ripe with potential for refinement or fine-tuning this Virgo season?
What is my intention for this Virgo season? Where do I see myself when Virgo season comes to a close?
Lesson 2: Examine the Details of Your Outer Life
Journal Prompts:
What are all of the various pieces of my external life right now (the people I'm around, the work I do, the places I go, the art or media I consume)? What is regularly around me, and what am I regularly taking in?
Do all of these align with me and where I'm headed? What could I let go of or change?
What are some details I may need to add to my external life in order to bring myself into further alignment with the person I'm becoming?
Lesson 3: Examine the Details of Your Inner Life
Journal Prompts:
What are all the various details of my internal life right now (my thoughts and self-talk, my habitual actions and self-care routines)? What are the pieces of my relationship with myself?
Are all of these details serving me well? What can I let go of?
What details can I add to my inner life in order to bring myself into better alignment with the person I'm becoming?
Anything special, interesting, or enlightening come through for you in these meditative journaling sessions? Please share in the comments below—I’d love to offer you encouragement or additional insight!
Would you like a personal Tarot or Oracle card message for Virgo season? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
With much love & gratitude,