Periodically, I send some bonus journal prompts, often related to the moon cycle or the astrological seasons. You do not need to know anything about moon cycles or astrology (or even believe much in them) in order for these journal prompts to be beneficial.
We are currently in the midst of Gemini season (May 20 to June 20 in 2024), and you may have already noticed the breath of fresh air and excitement it has brought in. Gemini season beckons us to get out into the world and interact whenever and wherever possible, as this will have us buzzing with inspiration.
Below you will find my Journaling for Gemini Season audio course, which is also available on my Insight Timer profile for the app’s Premium subscribers only. But here on Substack, for now, all of my subscribers have access to the course. (Eventually, these courses will become for Soul Journaling Sessions paid subscribers only.)
Each audio session includes a brief intro and a meditation to prepare you for journaling. Then, I read each prompt and you can journal along with me for about two minutes on each prompt. If are unable to or don’t want to listen to the audio, I’ve listed each session’s journal prompts for you below.
If you’d like additional insight on what you can learn from themes of Gemini season, I’d be happy to pull a Tarot or Oracle card just for you. Leave a comment on this post and let me know you’d like for me to pull a card for you.
Journaling for Gemini Season - Course Intro
Lesson 1: Curiosity & Expansion
Journal Prompts:
Where in my life might I benefit from widening my perspective this season?
What am I most curious about right now? Which new subjects or topics do I feel called to explore?
What helps me keep an open mind when approached with multiple opportunities or a change in plans?
What could I start doing today to feed my curiosity or expand my perspective?
Lesson 2: Connection
Journal Prompts:
Who in my life do I feel most connected to, and how can do I nurture these valuable connections and relationships?
Who would I like to feel a stronger connection to, and how can I help this connection grow this season?
What new social connections would I like to make? Who are the new friends or partners I’m calling in?
In regards to my social life, what is something new that I could try this season that would enhance my current connections and/or call in new ones?
Lesson 3: Going with the Flow
Journal Prompts:
In which area of my life is it easiest for me to go with the flow?
In which area do I feel the most resistance to going with the flow?
When I do let myself go with the flow, what is typically the result? What have I learned from those experiences?
What in my life currently isn't going according to plan, and how can I help myself surrender and go with the flow?
Anything special, interesting, or enlightening come through for you in these meditative journaling sessions? Please share in the comments below—I’d love to offer you encouragement or additional insight!
Would you like a personal Tarot or Oracle card message for Gemini season? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
With much love & gratitude,