Journaling for Aquarius Season: Serving the Greater Good
Journal prompts focused on the themes of Aquarius Season
Periodically, I send some bonus journal prompts, often related to the moon cycle or the astrological seasons. You do not need to know anything about moon cycles or astrology (or even believe much in them) in order for these journal prompts to be beneficial.
You have goals, dreams, a big vision. But have you dove deep yet into how these goals or dreams—and your pursuit of them—impact your community and the world around you?
Aquarius season is a great time to think of the bigger picture. What legacy do you want to leave? How will you make the world a better place? How does the pursuit of your dreams serve the greater good?
To help you explore the themes of Aquarius season, I am sharing with you the Journaling for Aquarius Season: Serving the Greater Good audio course that I made for Insight Timer (normally only available to my followers there who pay for the Premium account on the app). This course has not yet been published by Insight Timer, so it is available to you here first.
The audio file for each session is included below, and I’ve included the journal prompts in case you are unable to listen to the audio. You can spread the course out over three days if you want, or do these prompts all at once—whatever works for you!
If you’d like additional insight on what you can learn from themes of Aquarius season, I’d be happy to pull a Tarot or Oracle card for you, which can provide some additional insight and can give you more to meditate/journal on. Just leave a comment on this post on Substack and let me know you’d like for me to pull a card for you.
And one last note: The Soul Journaling Sessions podcast will return this week with the first new episode of 2024! Thank you for your patience as I sort things out on my end. I have decided that, with having two podcasts (this one and The Mindful Content Creator), it is easiest for me to put myself on schedule where I am only putting out one a week, which means putting out about two new episodes per month for each one. This will give me some more breathing room and, I believe, result in higher quality content in both places.
I am also considering switching the day of publication for the Soul Journaling Sessions podcast from Wednesday to Friday, as I see many of you listen to episodes on the weekends, likely when you have some time to journal. I am still debating this change, but we’ll see what I decide later this week!
For now, here is the Journaling for Aquarius Season audio course . . .
Journaling for Aquarius Season - Course Intro
Lesson 1: Calling For Change
Journal Prompts:
How would I like to see society grow, change, or evolve?
How do I see myself contributing to this change or evolution, in big or small ways?
How does me pursuing my dreams contribute to this change and the greater good?
Lesson 2: Breaking Barriers
Journal Prompts:
Which boundaries or societal norms do I feel called to push or challenge to bring about the change I want to see in the world?
What limits or barriers have I put upon myself, and how do I feel called to challenge them?
What can help me open up to or welcome new, innovative ideas that push the limits?
Lesson 3: Your Community
Journal Prompts:
Who is in my community, and how do they make me feel seen and valued?
How does my community inspire me to create change or pursue my dreams?
How do I hope to inspire my community?
In what ways can I show love and support for my community as we all work to create change in our own unique ways?
Want a Tarot or Oracle card message for this Aquarius Season? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will respond with a card pull and message for you.
With much love & gratitude,
Oh I have to find you on IT! I love that space so much, I teach there too 😊. These prompts are timely and very appreciated as I’m asking myself these legacy questions as I plan for this year after a 12 month stint floating in the liminal space. Thank you so much ☺️