Libra Season (approximately September 23 to October 22) is here! In addition to reminding us of the importance of harmony and balance within and around us, this season is a wonderful one for collaboration and partnership. Of course, we want these collaborations to be balanced energetically, with an equal exchange of giving and receiving. This is a good time to assess whether our current relationships and partnerships are in balance, too.
In the spirit of calling in collaboration, I’ve made a meditation for Libra Season that is an activation and an invitation. It is a declaration to the Universe that we are ready and open to partnering with others, as well as being open to receiving outside guidance and feedback.
I honestly struggle with receiving external feedback, so this season, I want to gain a better understanding of how to balance listening to my own wisdom with seeking and taking in wisdom from others. I don’t know if this resonates with anyone else, but I can often take external feedback too seriously, to the point that it upsets me or it causes me to overthink, tripping up a process that was already flowing. I can also have a tendency to not trust my own inner guidance and need external validation, so I can seek advice from the wrong people or seek it too soon. I’ve certainly felt called to examine this and to also consider how I can create more meaningful, positive collaboration opportunities in my life. Lately, I’ve been doing mostly solo projects.
One way I will be inviting in more collaboration is through Soul Journaling Sessions. I’ve recently had some clarity on new ways others can partner/collaborate with me here. I’ll be sharing a post with more on this soon, during Libra Season, and I’ll also be reaching out to some Substack creators directly with a proposal. I’m very excited about this, so stay tuned!
Below you will find the Calling in Collaboration meditation practice, as well as some daily Libra Seasons journal prompts that you can explore. If you’d like more resources for Libra Season, check out my Insight Timer profile.
And if you’d like additional insight on what you can learn from the themes of Libra season, I’d be happy to pull a Tarot or Oracle card for you. Just leave a note in the comments section on this post on Substack, or send me a DM, and let me know you’d like to receive a message.
Libra Season Practice: Calling in Collaboration
Note: At the end of this meditation, I reference having more resources for Libra Season. You can find these on my Insight Timer profile.
Libra Season Journal Prompts
Daily Morning Prompts
Use these prompts in the morning every day during Libra Season, if you feel called!
Today . . .
What do I feel most grateful for?
Where can I invite in more balance?
How can I nurture my closest relationships?
Where can I create space to collaborate with others?
Daily Evening Prompts
What made me feel abundant, whole, and/or balanced?
Which relationships, partnerships, or collaborations felt most supportive?
Where/when did I feel out of balance?
How might I restore balance tomorrow?
Anything special, interesting, or enlightening come through for you in the meditation or journaling sessions? Please share in the comments below—I’d love to offer you encouragement or additional insight!
Would you like a personal Tarot or Oracle card message for Virgo season? Leave a comment below and let me know you’d like a message, and I will pull a card for you.
With much love & gratitude,
Marcy you are so generous with your insights and creations. 🙏 thank you. I’ve just started exploring Insight Timer. It’s a fab platform.