You are meant to be here, right now.
Your Journal Prompts This Week:
What milestones (big and small) have I reached in my life thus far, and how did I celebrate them?
How have my creations or achievements impacted my life and the lives of those around me?
How do I see myself contributing to the greater whole, and why is that worth celebrating?
It's my birthday! And normally I don't make a big deal out of my birthday. For some reason, I've always felt weird about making a big deal of it (while at the same time being secretly disappointed if some of my friends forgot it).
I think part of it is that my family never made a huge deal of birthdays either--at least not beyond the early years of life. We routinely celebrate our birthdays, as well as major holidays, late. Meanwhile, my husband's family makes birthdays into a special event, and genuine gifts (not just gift cards) are given. I'm not saying one is better than the other, as I can see benefits to both ways of doing it, but it's made me realize that I can choose each year how I want to acknowledge my birthday. It doesn't always have the be the way I'm used to.
So today, I've decided to take the day off of work and just enjoy acknowledging the day I was born. And, especially now that I am a mom, I want to also celebrate my mom! After all, this is her 37-year anniversary of going into labor with me, her last of four children, and labor is beautiful but hard work. Pregnancy is too.
I think it's important to reflect today on why it is a worthy act to celebrate myself. I believe we are all here on Earth at this point in time for a reason--we are meant to be here and to create and to share at this point in time. What we have to offer this world is valuable, and our unique presence alone is worth celebrating. Each of us is making an impact on the lives of those around us, just by being here and being who we are. While it may not be your birthday today, I encourage you to reflect on this, too. Is there a way you could celebrate yourself today?
As always, I'd love to hear what comes up for you!
With much love and gratitude,