Own who you are, in this moment
Your Journal Prompts This Week:
Where are you currently in your story (a new chapter, a conflict/challenge, a turning point, a resolution)?
What do you love about where you are in your story/where you are in life right now?
What would it look like for you to own and honor who you currently are, in the phase you are in now?
As a new parent, I sometimes find myself feeling bad or sorry for things that I can't necessarily control. There are legitimate, wonderful joys that come with being a parent, but it's hard to not feel overwhelmed and like you're dropping the ball somewhere (or in multiple places).
Sometimes I feel bad for being tired instead of present. Sometimes I feel bad about my messy house. Sometimes I feel bad when baby cries too loudly for too long. And sometimes I feel bad for not being exactly who I was before I had a baby, especially when it comes to work. In these early months, I struggle to schedule or attend any live Zoom calls (cause who knows when baby is going to wake up, be fussy, or need to be fed).
The reality is that I am not the same person I was before I had a baby, on multiple levels. I fear some people won't accept that. But yesterday, as I read about the energy behind the Leo full moon, the message of really owning who you are resonated with me. Rather than sit in this low energy of feeling bad for everything I no longer am or can no longer offer to others, I feel it's time to proudly accept who I am now, in this moment. I'm simply entering a new chapter in my story. What I have to offer may be different, but it is still valuable and beautiful. For example, motherhood has inspired me and increased my creativity, and I want to own and celebrate that.
Where are you in your story, and how can you own more of who you are right now? What do you want to celebrate about yourself in this moment?
As always, feel free to share your insights with me! Talk to you next week.
With much love and gratitude,