Letting go of lost ideas

Your Journal Prompts This Week:
When I have an idea for a project, what do I usually do next? How do I record that idea and what actions do I typically take?
What ideas have I not acted on, and how do I feel about the ideas that haven't yet become a reality?
Which ideas do I not intend to pursue, and how can I release and grieve them?
I love that moment when I have a new idea, when there are so many possibilities and threads to follow if I allow my mind to go there. But not every idea can become a reality, and for me, that's the hard part. Which ones will ultimately get my time and attention?
We've all had ideas slip through the cracks, and there are several reasons we might let them go: it doesn't end up being the right fit, it's not the right time, we lose interest, we get too busy, or self-doubt gets in the way.
Last week during one of my daily card pulls, I drew the Page of Swords from The Light Seers Tarot and the Grief card from the Divine Abundance Cards. The message that came through from these two cards was something I'd needed to hear for awhile: You may have lots of ideas and be very enthusiastic about them, but they aren't all meant to become something big. Accept that there are some ideas that you love but ultimately won't pursue. Allow yourself to release and grieve them, so you can make room for the ones you are meant to follow.
What ideas might you need to grieve? I'll share some of mine with you too, so we can grieve our incomplete projects and unpursued ideas together:
An independent and small press anthology and documentary (I filmed 20ish interviews during grad school, and now the files sit on abandoned external hard drives, which I've been feeling bad about to this day)
A literary website dedicated to indie presses, bookstores, and live literary shows in Chicago (called LitCity312)
A blog/website dedicated to all independent businesses and endeavors (called indieland)
I see all of our ideas as living in a garden within. Some seeds grow big and tall, some grow for only a short time, and others never sprout. But all of it helps create fertile land for our creations. How can the ideas we've lost help the new seeds we plant?
As always, feel free to share any thoughts or insights you gain from your journaling with me--I'd love to hear about it!
With much love & gratitude,
P.S. We just wrapped up the first season of Soulpreneur Sundays. Catch up on all 10 episodes now on Apple Podcasts or watch on YouTube. If you've listened, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Practice yoga with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.