Who are you pretending to be?
Your Journal Prompts This Week:
What are some false identities I've taken on in my life? What roles have I played that weren't mine to play?
What false identity might I be carrying with me now? What have I been pretending to do, be, or like?
How would it feel for me to release any false identities currently attached to me?
Yesterday I pulled the Tower card from the Moon Void Tarot deck. It seemed very fitting with the Scorpio full moon and lunar eclipse. It was showing me it's time to release the old, false self and surrender to the process.
One year ago this month, I left my stable, full-time job to do my own thing. And in this process, I've had to shed a lot of old beliefs, and I've noticed there are still false identities I'm hanging onto. I may have taken myself out of the situation that was no longer serving me, but some old patterns are still hanging around. It turns out, just going out on my own didn't solve all my work problems!
I felt frustrated in my jobs because I was always doing all the things for everyone and felt overwhelmed and undervalued. I felt like I would never have the opportunity to truly lead and create. And even though I left these jobs behind, I find myself continuing to play the role of the ultimate taskmaster and not the leader. If I'm being 100% honest, I created the same dynamic I had with companies I worked for in my own business: I undercharge and undervalue my work, and I continue to primarily focus on working for others, rather than on creating the things I want to create.
The false identity I still need to shed is that of the dutiful, people-pleasing employee, so I can step into the leading role of my own business. This is a difficult realization, but it's an important one--and one I am sharing with you because we don't often hear people be honest about the difficulties of their first year in business!
What roles have you been playing? What old identity are you carrying around or hanging onto? Now is a great time to explore this. Feel free to send me an email back and share what you're working through!
With much love & gratitude,
P.S. We just wrapped up the first season of Soulpreneur Sundays, and appropriately, our last two episodes were about your 9-to-5 Exit Plan and the first steps to take once you've left your job. Listen on Apple Podcasts or watch on YouTube. If you've listened, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Practice yoga with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.