Is it time for a fresh start?

Your Journal Prompts This Week:
Where do I currently feel dissatisfaction or boredom?
When did I start to feel this way? Was there a specific time and event that led to this shift?
What might be an underlying cause for this dissatisfaction?
What would I like to experience instead, and what might help me experience this?
How often do you have those days where you just don't want to do whatever is on your list, even if you know it's good for you, even if you once enjoyed it?
We spend a lot of time building consistency: with our yoga and fitness practices, with our careers, with our businesses, with our creative projects. Reaching these points can be rewarding, as it shows us just how much we are capable of. But often there comes a time when that consistency starts to feel a little . . . stale. At best, it's a little boring, and at worst, it can be a bit frustrating or confining.
It's all too easy to stay in that place where everything seems to be working, replicating the same formulas that led us to success before. But over time, we eventually hit a plateau. We eventually hit a point when we're ready for something new.
In your physical yoga practice, this might translate to trying a different type of practice with another teacher, or trying a different variation of your favorite postures. Off the mat, this might mean starting something new, or revisiting how and why you do something a specific way.
I believe that all of us are creative beings, and that creativity needs a place to flow. Your creativity might have been flowing when it got you to where you are, but now it's ready for a new adventure. If you keep that creative energy stuck within you, forcing it to stay exactly where it is, that's when you'll likely start to feel restless, maybe even frustrated.
Where is your creative energy ready to flow? What's next for you? Take some time to explore with the above journal prompts. Maybe it's time to shift and try things from a new perspective, or maybe it's time for a completely fresh start. Whatever it is you need, honor that.
As always, I'd love to hear any insights you gain from your journaling! Let me know what's next for you!
With much love & gratitude,

P.S. Episode 4 of Soulpreneur Sundays is here! Listen on Apple Podcasts or watch on YouTube. New episodes are available every Sunday. If you've listened, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Practice yoga with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.