Anyone else really tired?

Your Journal Prompts This Week:
What tends to exhaust me or lead me to burnout?
What patterns do I tend to fall into with exhaustion or burnout?
How do I typically manage this, and/or how was I taught to manage exhaustion or burnout?
What might be something different I could try to help myself navigate these periods of my life?
Exhausted by the work/life balancing act, exhausted by the state of the world, and exhausted from continuing to work and move within the current state of the world.
Anyone else feeling this? I've been hearing it's not just me.
Exhaustion truly does feel like a heavy weight on my back and shoulders, which is usually a cue for me that I need to do some yoga to tend to that space! But when you already feel overwhelmed and tired, doing the things you know will help can seem harder. I know I often default to just pushing through whatever tough cycle I'm in, since that seems to be the priority, and I delay those helpful things to the recovery phase. They are still helpful there, but not as helpful as they could be when I'm actually in the difficult phase.
I've been paying closer attention lately to when I feel exhaustion or burnout, so I can look for potential patterns and commonalities, like some of the ones I mentioned above. And in this process, I've recognized that while some things, like the state of our world, are beyond our control, we generally do have the ability to improve how we manage the daily life events that add on to what we can't fully control. And as you likely know, when we pile it all on at once, we're headed for burnout!
When do you tend to feel exhausted, or when do you tend to experience burnout? How do you learn to bring joy back in? Explore the journal prompts above and see if you can identify some patterns, as well as some ways to help support yourself better during these phases of your life.
With much love & gratitude,
Practice with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.