They say consistency is key . . .
What We Do With Consistency
Your Journal Prompts This Week:
What in my life do I do with consistency?
What helps me stay consistent with these things?
What do I want to be more consistent with?
What could help me be more consistent?
We hear it all the time when we're learning or building something new: consistency is key.
I don't know about you, but this is one of those things that I hear all the time, that I understand generally to be true, and yet I still struggle with it. And I struggle with it most when it is something I'm doing for myself, not for someone else.
I think it's interesting to look at what we are consistent with in our lives. What makes us be consistent with those things? What does that say about our priorities and values?
When we can't be consistent with something, we often say it's because we don't have time for it. We're just too busy. But yet, those things that we ARE consistent about in our lives--we definitely manage to make time for those.
It's funny that this was my pre-planned topic for this week's email, as I almost completely forgot to write it! I'm in a crazy busy period with my work, one that has me working a 12-day stretch without a day off (with the possibility that that stretch could go even longer). I got through 5 hours of Zoom meetings today, sent off a few client projects, and realized I completely forgot to write this email.
Why am I telling you this? Because, in the realm of creating content for my own business, this email is the one thing I've consistently done, week after week. I might have sent it a little late once or twice, but since I've started it, I've stuck to it. Forgetting it, while not a big deal, would have been representative of something greater for me: It would have been a signal that I stopped making time for me, that I saw sharing my own voice as less important than doing work for others. And that? That a little bit breaks my heart.
So, if at all possible, let's avoid breaking our own hearts, let's avoid breaking the promises we make to ourselves. Tell me, what do you want to maintain consistency with? Where do you want MORE consistency? As always, I'd love to hear what came up for you with these journal prompts.
With much love & gratitude,
Practice with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.