What will guide you through 2022?
2022 Guiding Principles
Set Your Guiding Principles for the New Year:
Where would I like to create more joy, balance, or ease in 2022?
What is there no longer room for? Or, where are excuses no longer acceptable (from others or myself)?
What am I worthy of?
What is non-negotiable for me this year?
Happy 2022! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and are easing back into the regular routine!
I love to spend extra time reading over the holidays, and these last couple weeks, I've been reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I still have a little left to finish (sometimes I put off finishing books I really like because I am so sad about eventually needing to part ways with it), but I can't believe how much has already clicked and shifted for me. This book really spoke to me and made me think honestly about my relationship with creativity.
I feel like I abandoned my creativity not long after grad school, which is sad since my master's is in Creative Writing. But I was always told that it was unlikely for me to make a living purely as a writer, so I got to work on making sure my degree translated to a successful, grown-up career. And next thing I knew, my creative self was pushed to the very back of the shelf, only to be pulled out during "the slow season" (if I was lucky enough to have one).
As I was reflecting on all of this, I realized just how much I miss my fullest, creative self. So I started writing, and what came out was a list of principles that I want to use to guide me through this next year--and likely beyond. I'll share more details about this on Instagram, but I'll share the shortened version here with you now. And feel free to borrow any of these for yourself!
Aim for less perfectionism and more completion. Finish projects and let them see the light of day.
Avoid unnecessary hustle and instead focus on devotion. I love the creativity within me, and therefore I devote myself to my creativity--NOT to my habitual desire for busyness.
Create less with others perceptions and reception in mind, and more for my own enjoyment and love for the work.
Allow myself to focus both on fun AND service to others.
Stop forcing my most creative work to pay my bills, and instead create and share freely.
Let go of the need to learn all the things, take all the classes, and/or run myself into debt before I can take action on something I'm interested in.
Continue reading and learning independently.
If you're interested and want to create your own guiding principles, I wrote the journal prompts at the top of the page.
In addition to those prompts, perhaps do a check-in on your own relationship to your creativity. Perhaps I will provide some more specific prompts next week to help you focus on that!
As always, I'd love to hear any insights you gain from your journaling. Feel free to email me and share!
And as a reminder, the Spiritual Creators Reset practice is still available. This meditation and journaling practice is designed to help you reconnect to the heart of your creations and remember the greater purpose behind your work. I hope you enjoy it!
With much love & gratitude,
Practice with me anytime with the free Embodied Reading Yoga & Journaling Series or try the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series.