Mixed December Feelings . . .
Honoring Holidays & Endings
Your Journal Prompts for This Week:
What feelings and emotions are present for me in this final month of the year?
How can I honor and respect how I feel during this time?
What support might I need from myself and/or others to close out this year?
I have mixed feelings about the month of December.
Before 2018, I was always excited for this month, eager to celebrate the holidays and the end of the year. I loved the magic in it--the twinkling lights, the family time, the holiday parties, the good food, the resolutions and vision boards for the coming year.
But December 2018 brought a shift for me in the simplicity of the holiday season. My dad passed away on December 7, 2018. Then on December 1, 2021, just last week, I experienced another unexpected loss.
My intention in sharing this is not to drag down anyone's mood or make them feel sad at this time of year. Despite my shaky relationship with December, I plan to still celebrate and do what I would have done prior to these losses. But now I'll experience this time with extra awareness, care, and gratitude for who is here with me now.
I'm writing about this because I want to acknowledge any of you who might also be experiencing grief at this time, whether your loss occurred this year or many years ago, in December or during another month entirely. And I'm writing this for anyone who might feel a whole range of emotions at this time of year. A lot can come up during the holiday season, and a lot can come up any time we experience endings (such as the ending of yet another strange year). It's OK if you don't feel joyful all the time. It's OK if your feelings to go up and down or all around. I'm here to say I see you, and I am sending you love.
For all of you who feel ready to embrace some of the fun and lightheartedness that can also come with this time of year, I feel you, too! I hope that all of us are able to do what we can to enjoy this special time of year, while also showing deep love and care for ourselves.
Use the journal prompts above to help you acknowledge where you are this month. And if you want to share any insights or just talk it out, I'm here!
Side note: part of me acknowledging how I feel this month is not forcing myself to put out a lot of seasonal content or offerings, even though that might be what a "successful" entrepreneur would do. (If you are a content creator or small business owner, I welcome you to take a break if you need it, too!) I promise you'll hear from me again soon, when I feel inspired and ready.
With much love & gratitude,