Do you trust your inner guidance?
Trust Your Inner Knowing
Your Journal Prompts for This Week:
On a scale of 1-10, how well do I trust myself and my inner guidance?
What evidence do I have that I can and should trust myself?
If I struggle with listening to my own voice, how can I rebuild trust?
Last week we talked about being committed to ourselves, our desires, and our dreams, but a lot of that has to do with trust: trusting ourselves to follow through and trusting that we know the next best step to take.
In a world where we are constantly taking in information and being fed marketing that focuses on improving or fixing us (which implies that there is something wrong), it can be hard to trust our own gut instincts--or even hear our own voices in the midst of all that noise.
Of course, I think we should always trust and listen to ourselves when we realize we need help or support, but I know that for me, a lot of times I am reaching outside of myself because I'm afraid to actually trust that voice within that's calling to me. For a long time, I searched for outside confirmation of what I already knew within, and then I would inevitably feel disappointed or icky when what I felt within didn't align with what someone was advising me to do.
Rebuilding this trust in yourself takes time, and I find I am always working to strengthen it. But the work is so worth it. It is what helps you show up authentically for yourself and your community, whether that community is your family, friends, coworkers, or clients.
How can you strengthen your trust in yourself? I encourage you to explore the journal prompts above, and let me know of any insights that come through for you! Hit reply on this email or DM me on Instagram (@themysticalfarrey).
With much love & gratitude,