Your Connection to Spirit
Honoring Ancestors & Loved Ones
Your Journal Prompts for This Week:
Who are your loved ones in spirit? Who do you feel called to honor and remember at this time?
What do you know about your ancestors? Which of your ancestors do you feel a strong connection to?
How can you connect more deeply to your ancestors or loved ones in spirit?
Happy Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead! Now is a perfect time to acknowledge and honor any loved ones who have passed, as well as your ancestors.
While I am half Mexican, we didn't celebrate the Day of the Dead in my house. It was something I learned about much later in life and wanted to honor as part of my heritage, and in the process, I discovered how fulfilling it is bridge this connection between past and present, between the earthly plane and the spiritual one.
How can you honor your ancestors and loved ones? You can create a small altar with photographs of them, momentos, candles, and anything you know they enjoyed in life. For an example, you can see a photo of my little altar below. My dad loved watching squirrels, and he used to feed them with my great grandfather, so I keep some squirrel references all around my dad's photo. He also had a grand story of the time he went to great, unnecessary lengths to get me a stuffed Jiminy Cricket at Disney, so Jiminy is also present!
If an altar isn't your thing or isn't possible for you to create, acknowledge them in prayer or meditation. You might be surprised by the connection you feel when you simply take a moment to express your gratitude.
My humble little altar for my dad: Photos with him, a candle for his birthday, many squirrel references, Jiminy Cricket references, and a "Little Fairy Cup" as a nod to our last name and me being his youngest child.
Join Me for Meditative Journaling:
Sundays in November & December
The holiday season is often considered a magical one, and you might already be seeing social media posts and marketing messages that highlight “the magic of the season.” While it can indeed be magical in its own way, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this time of year, forgetting to go within and care for YOU—to acknowledge the season you’re in right now. Even if your season doesn’t perfectly match the one happening outside, it has its own magic that should be honored.
In this series of five Meditative Journaling classes, you’ll be led through grounding exercises, journal prompts, and meditative journeys to help you reveal the magic of your season. Each session has its own theme to help you move through it, one step or phase at a time:
Release - Sunday, November 14
Rise - Sunday, November 21
Nurture - Sunday, December 5
Flow - Sunday, December 12
Thank - Sunday, December 19
All sessions are held at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Join each session with an intention to rest and reflect, and come away with a little more peace, calm, and clarity on how to navigate this season of your life.
All classes will be held on Zoom and are recorded if you can't join us live.
Purchase individual classes for $8
Buy a 5-pack and get the 5th class FREE!
Read more about this upcoming series on my website (scroll down to upcoming classes).
TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read)?
Head up to the pink box at the very top for the journal prompts!
Register for The Magic of the Season You're In (Meditative Journaling Series).
Feel free to reach out with any questions or to share insights from your journaling! Hit reply on this email or DM me on Instagram (@themysticalfarrey).
With much love & gratitude,