What will fall away this season?
The Ending of a Cycle
What cycle or phase in my life do I feel is completing or coming to an end as the year closes out?
How would I like to wrap up this cycle over the next few months? How can I honor and/or release it?
What would be the most supportive thing I could do for myself as I move through this release or ending?
It might still be (mostly) bright and sunny here in Southern California, but I am still feeling the transition to the Fall season, much to my surprise! A common theme that has been coming up energetically is the need to release. Much like the leaves changing and falling from the limbs of the trees, we may find ourselves in a state of transition, using this time to see what metaphorical leaves we need to let fall away this season.
Some things you might find a need to release could include:
Anything that's naturally wrapping up or ready to come to completion (a project, a situation)
Anything you're holding on to too tightly, physically or mentally (especially if you are attached to a specific outcome)
Any stuck emotions (A good one to release is frustration, which my friend Taa'Nesha White brought up in our Moon Circle last week, and I was surprised by just how much of that I needed to release!)
Other people's projections or expectations
Something I'm personally working on releasing this season is that last one... I am aiming to release other people's expectations and projections of who they want me to be/who they think I should be, so I can be more fully who I am. The people pleaser in me has a hard time with this, but I'm realizing that I ultimately decide what's in alignment and works for me.
What are you releasing? What do you sense is coming to an end--or maybe what is something you'd like to bring to a close by the end of this year? Explore this in the journal prompts above, and feel free to click reply and let me know what's coming up for you!
The final class in the Honor Your Pace Yoga & Journaling Series is available now! The fourth class is a meditation practice, along with a series of journal prompts to help you reflect after the meditation. Bringing together all that was explored in the four sessions, this final class will help you see and honor your ideal pace.
If you haven't signed up for this series yet, you can do so now and get access to ALL FOUR of the classes today. You can then (appropriately) move through them at your own pace!
Feel free to reach out with any questions or to share insights from your journaling! Hit reply on this email or DM me on Instagram (@themysticalfarrey).
TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read)?
Head up to the pink box at the very top for the journal prompts!
Register for the Honor Your Pace Series.
With much love & gratitude,