In Conflict
Embrace Inner Conflict
Where within me do I feel at odds? Where am I experiencing friction internally?
How can I use this conflict or friction to better understand myself?
What can help me sit with, listen to, or accept these aspects of myself that are at odds, without trying to find a quick fix for them?
Are there certain parts of you that currently or frequently feel at odds with one another? Maybe it is certain traits within you that seem conflicting, or there's a challenging topic or question you've yet to to take a clear stance on, or there are parts of you that want seemingly opposing results or outcomes.
Our instincts can often be to try and find a resolution or quick fix to silence any inner conflict. And if we can't find a resolution, we try to ignore it until it becomes loud again. But what if we explored the conflict deeper, and tried to instead look at what we might learn from it? What does it tell us about ourselves, where we are right now in our lives? And is it possible to embrace ourselves as we are, right now, even in the discomfort of our inner conflict?
I started thinking about this because of a really interesting Instagram post from an amazing astrologer I follow, Puja Robinson. Her post was about learning to work with both our Sun and Moon sign. This intrigued me because I've always felt my Sun and Moon signs were strangely at odds: I'm a Pisces Sun and Aries Moon. While I'm not an astrologer, I've always felt that the Aries in me causes me to be super quick to react, especially internally. But my Pisces sun wants to be more loving, peaceful, and in the flow, so if I have a quick angry or emotional reaction (even if it was only in my head), I instantly feel bad about it. I've always wished I wasn't so quick to react, that I didn't have that fire-y Aries side (which, rightly or wrongly, I tend to associate with my ego).
But when I read Puja's post, it had me thinking about how I can embrace my watery side as well as that fire and passion within. How can I get more comfortable with both aspects, existing side by side? I haven't totally come to a conclusion on this, but I'm now fascinated by the idea of exploring it and using it as a way to better understand myself.
If you're into or even mildly intrigued by Astrology, do you have any aspects of your chart that feel like they are in conflict? Or do you have conflicting traits you wish you could change? I'd love to know! Maybe we can do a Yoga & Journaling class to explore this in the future.
Yoga & Journaling Embodied Reading Series - Final Class!
The recording of Session 3 of the Embodied Reading Series from this past Saturday is up in MemberVault now! The above cards are the message from the third class: the Ten of Wands from the Mystic Mondays Tarot deck and You're Not Alone from The Starseed Oracle. And this week, I will pull cards for our final session, this Sunday, August 29 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. Register now to get access to a recording of the previous classes, and to get the Zoom link for Sunday's class!
Feel free to reach out with any questions or to share insights from your journaling! Hit reply on this email or DM me on Instagram (@themysticalfarrey).
TLDR (Too Long Didn't Read)?
Head to the pink box for the journal prompts!
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With much love & gratitude,